Don't know about the future, that's anybody's guess. Ain't no good reason for getting all depressed. Buy up your pad and pencil, I'll give you a piece of my mind, In my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine.
Stop all your fussin', Slap on a smile Come out and walk in the sun for awhile.
Don't fight the feeling, you know you want to have a good time. And in my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine.
Six! I met the hottest guy ever at the mall last week. I was trying on this new hat at Mervyn's and saw this guy looking at me from the mall courtyard. He works at one of those kiosks that sells fancy pens... Anyway! His name is Jerry and he's in a band. I made plans to go over to his house later today. What do you think I should wear? Something short? Something loose? What do you think?
I think I'm a pretty good judge of character...Oh c'mon, Six! You know that Vinnie and I have been growing apart. Plus, he's been acting weird lately...especially when Joey's around. Like he's nervous or something. It's kind of freaking me out.
Blossom, I hope that you used protection. As your father, I know how devious boys can be. Sometimes a boy will say anything to a girl in order to hit a 'home run.' I want you to be careful. Remember that I love you and I'm always here for you.
Jerry, maybe we all judged you a little harshly. Just because you drink blood and break babies' arms does not mean that you won't treat my little girl right. Now, come here and give me a big hug!
Hello. I'm Mayim Bialik, star of Blossom. Domestic violence is not a joke. If you have a friend in danger, please, at all costs, get them help! Interfere as necessary in their personal lives. Even if they say that everything is under control, it probably isn't. It's your job to make that call. Thank you.
Stay tuned for the world premiere of Joey Lawrence's new music video! Right here on NBC!
"Inside this room, all of my dreams become realities, and some of my realities
become dreams. And, almost everything you'll see is eatable, edible, I mean,
you can eat almost everything."